1. A Cloud-Based Vmmodel to Enhance Traffic Management on Nigerian RoadsA. Obiniyi and H.A. Sulaimon
  2. A Model for maintaining Data Security and Authenticity in Voice-driven SystemW.O. Adesanya, O.B. Alaba, and A.B. Adeyemo
  3. Development of a Digital Yoruba  Phrasebook on a Mobile Platform-O. Fagbolu, B.K. Alese and O.S. Adewale
  4. HH-CLOUD: A Network Based Knowledge Management Framework for R&D Organizations in NigeriaF.N. Ugwoke, K.C. Okafor, C.C. Udeze
  5. Modeling Mobile Cellular SignalLossPrediction in Suburban PropagationEnvironment in NigeriaOkumbor Nkem Anthony and Okonkwo Obikwelu, Raphael
  6. Measuring Information Security Awareness Efforts in Social Networking SitesA Proactive ApproachJ.O. Okesola, and M. Grobler
  7. Nigeria Youths:  Major Contributor to ICT Tools or Major Consumers of ICT?F.Y. Osisanwo, C. Ajaegbu and O. Akande
  8. Phishing e-Mail Detection Mechanism Based on Middleware TechnologyA.A. Orunsolu, A.S. Sodiya and A.T. Akinwale
  9. Secure face Authentication using Visual Cryptography-S.O. Asakpa, B. K. Alese, O.S. Adewaleand A.O. Adetunmbi
  10. Mobile Technologies: Adopting Application Model for Economic Productivity in NigeriaBabatunde B. Olofin, Clement J. and C.Ayatalumo
  11. Analysis of Smart Video Surveillance SystemsAkintola K.G., Akinyokun O.C., Olabode O. and Iwasokun G.B.
  12. Text to Speech Based Application for Enhanced Learning in Computer Assisted EnvironmentO. Oladipo, B.A. Oke andA.F. Falola