- A Cloud-Based Vmmodel to Enhance Traffic Management on Nigerian RoadsA. Obiniyi and H.A. Sulaimon
- A Model for maintaining Data Security and Authenticity in Voice-driven SystemW.O. Adesanya, O.B. Alaba, and A.B. Adeyemo
- Development of a Digital Yoruba Phrasebook on a Mobile Platform-O. Fagbolu, B.K. Alese and O.S. Adewale
- HH-CLOUD: A Network Based Knowledge Management Framework for R&D Organizations in NigeriaF.N. Ugwoke, K.C. Okafor, C.C. Udeze
- Modeling Mobile Cellular SignalLossPrediction in Suburban PropagationEnvironment in NigeriaOkumbor Nkem Anthony and Okonkwo Obikwelu, Raphael
- Measuring Information Security Awareness Efforts in Social Networking SitesA Proactive ApproachJ.O. Okesola, and M. Grobler
- Nigeria Youths: Major Contributor to ICT Tools or Major Consumers of ICT?F.Y. Osisanwo, C. Ajaegbu and O. Akande
- Phishing e-Mail Detection Mechanism Based on Middleware TechnologyA.A. Orunsolu, A.S. Sodiya and A.T. Akinwale
- Secure face Authentication using Visual Cryptography-S.O. Asakpa, B. K. Alese, O.S. Adewaleand A.O. Adetunmbi
- Mobile Technologies: Adopting Application Model for Economic Productivity in NigeriaBabatunde B. Olofin, Clement J. and C.Ayatalumo
- Analysis of Smart Video Surveillance SystemsAkintola K.G., Akinyokun O.C., Olabode O. and Iwasokun G.B.
- Text to Speech Based Application for Enhanced Learning in Computer Assisted EnvironmentO. Oladipo, B.A. Oke andA.F. Falola