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- Create Date April 11, 2023
- Last Updated April 11, 2023
A Secure Multifactor Authentication System using Keystroke with Password
Multifactor authentication (MFA) uses two or more forms of authentication to permit computer users to access an application using the electronic authentication method after successfully providing two or more factors. Since hackers may quickly guess usernam es and passwords using tools, the traditional log in techniques (username and password) are not totally secure against intrusion. Furthermore, present security measures, such as two factor authentication based on a one time password sent through text or em ail, authentication utilizing biometrics or the usage of token devices, call for additional technology that is expensive for small and medium sized businesses. This paper proposes using keystroke with password to authenticate users. It is based on the use of keystroke to dynamically verify users based on multifactor authentication scheme, in which a non intrusive typing pattern approach is used to authenticate users and suggests a better way of handling mistakes that occur when users type during the authent ication process. Using the proposed system, a bound of values was created using the fastest and slowest keystroke of the letters typed. Every user that accesses the system is given access as much as the
keystroke time provided falls within the range of key stroke values defined for the user. Also, whenever the user typed backspace, instead of adding that character to the array of values, it automatically deletes the last character typed along with its keystroke data. Therefore, proposed approach defeats a wi de range of security risks, including key loggers, screen capture attacks, and scapular surfing. The proposed system was tested and was proven to provide more security compared to other techniques used for authentication.
Keywords: Arduino board; Dustbin, I oT; Smart devices; Waste management