The application and use of learning management systems (LMS) have undisputedly matured over the years. Regardless, a limited number of educational institutions have an automated means of managing the unprecedented data (e.g learning activities, e-contents) that comprise the educational process. To this effect, this paper proposes an automated e-learning management system, otherwise known as e-LMS workflow model - that aims to alleviate the existing educational learning systems and the associated shortcomings. The work implements the proposed e-LMS model using a case study of the Nigerian University. In essence, the work provides an automated administrative system for learning that meets the needs of the users (students, staffs, universities, and auxiliary services) by ensuring that the recorded datasets and information are easily located, effectively processed and maintained whilst ensuring appropriate use and storage of the resultant information system. In turn, the system enables the stakeholders to effectively integrate the different sets of data or underlying information and services (e.g. curricular, research projects, administrative and operational activities) thereby making the said educational institutions competitive amongst the other competitors. Technically, the model supports automatic notification on request for e-learning activities status or queries, archiving of request history and tracking of users actions - thereby provides an effective e-learning management system that proves to reduce the operational expense and time to useful information processing or analysis.
IT in Education, Educational Data Analysis, Process Modelling, e-Learning, LMS