Information Technology (IT) is very important in the training and development of human resources in any country through the impartation of appropriate skills, capacities, values, knowledge and attitudes which can be used in the transformation of individuals, communities, nations and the world at large. Besides, people get fired or lose their jobs for a lot of reasons. Some of these reasons are genuine like incompetency, corruption, dwindling revenue for the company, company bankruptcy, poor performance and so on. However, some reasons why people are relieved of their jobs cannot be substantiated. A sound knowledge of IT is the right entrepreneurial skill for job security which can be used for wealth creation, poverty reduction, ensuring social-economic empowerment, sustained self and national development. This paper x-rays the meaning of IT, job security or insecurity, unemployment, Entrepreneurial education, IT as a Panacea to Job Security in Nigeria and suggests the way forward.
Keywords: Information Technology, Job Security, Entrepreneurship