Translation of online recipe into Yoruba language is a great task which deprived some lovers of delicacies at special occasion the opportunity to satisfy their urge as at when needed. Most of the recipes like Chicken piri-piri could not be identified in our local dialect (Yoruba). The need to translate these recipes online, supported with its cooking description arises, hence this research. Data of prepared food were collected from the internet, translated into Yoruba language, these two modules were used to create table in database using MySQL, The table was scripted with HTML and PHP, launched as a local host with WAMPSERVER5. The system was evaluated using alpha and beta test, based on the response time, quality of interface and accuracy of interpretation. The respondents included Computer scientist, Chefs and Yoruba Native speakers. The entire respondent agreed that the interface had a fast response time, 70% thought the interface was excellent while 70% agreed that the Yorùbá interpretations of the recipes are accurate and convey the true meaning of the ingredients. In all 80% of the respondents graded the system as excellent in terms of efficiency and effectiveness while the remaining 20% graded the system as average.
Keywords: Bi-lingual, Food, Recipe, Web-based, Yoruba language