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- Create Date September 8, 2021
- Last Updated September 17, 2021
Edge computing and cloud computing are sometimes discussed as if they’re mutually exclusive approaches to network infrastructure. While they may function in different ways, utilizing one does not preclude the use of the other. In practice, they actually complement one another quite effectively. As Internet of Things (IoT) devices become more common and incorporate more processing power, a vast amount of data is being generated on the outer “edge” of computing networks. Traditionally, the data produced by IoT devices is relayed back to a central network server, usually housed in a data center. Once that data is processed, further instructions are sent back to the devices out on the edge of the network. This work examines the problem associated with this set up which includes travel back delay and bandwidth strain on the network. In conclusion this paper presents an in-depth discourse on the various approaches in both edge and cloud computing taking a look at the review of evaluation performance on data and video processing.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Fog Computing, Latency Delay, IoT, PC (personal computer)