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- Create Date October 4, 2021
- Last Updated October 4, 2021
Selection of a suitable Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model for project implementation is somewhat confusing as there are a lot of SDLC models with similar strengths and weaknesses. Also, the solutions proffered among the researchers so far have been the qualitative comparative analysis of SDLC models. Hence, this paper proposes a comparative analysis of SDLC models using quantitative approach in relation to strengths and weaknesses of SDLC models. The study adapted comparative analysis and Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) models features’ classification using ten characteristics such as project complexity, project size, project duration, project with risk, implementation/initial cost, error discovery, associated cost, risk analysis, maintenance and cost estimation. A quantitative measure that employs online survey using experts in software design and engineering, project management and system analysis was carried out for the evaluation of SDLC models. Purposeful Stratified Random Sampling (SRS) technique was used to gather the data for analysis using XLSTAT after pre-processing, taking into consideration both benefit and cost criteria. The overall performance evaluation showed that Spiral-Model is the best followed by V-Model and lastly Waterfall Model with comparative values of 38.63%, 35.76% and 25.61% respectively. As regards cost estimation, Waterfall Model is the most efficient with value of 41%, then V-Model with 31% and lastly Spiral Model with 28%. V-Model has great error recovery capability with value of 45% which is closely followed by Spiral Model with 37% and lastly Waterfall Model with 18%. The study revealed that, a model with efficient risk assurance does not guarantee efficient cost management. In the future work, more characteristics regarding SDLC models shall be considered.
Keywords: SDLC model, Software evaluation, Software project, Spiral model, V-model, Waterfall model