Prospect and Challenges of Precision Agriculture Technology in Rural Areas: A Case Study of Ubahu Community Enugu, Nigeria

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  • Create Date June 7, 2022
  • Last Updated June 7, 2022

Prospect and Challenges of Precision Agriculture Technology in Rural Areas: A Case Study of Ubahu Community Enugu, Nigeria


The study examines the  prospects and challenges of precision agriculture technology adoption in rural areas using Ubahu Community Enugu Nigeria as a case study. This study show that the evolution of technology has brought about precision agriculture leading to a huge transformation in the agricultural sector. The use of precision Agriculture Technologies (Agritechs) such as: biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Bioinformatics, Blockchain technology, 3-D printing, Drones, Robots, Sensors, Internet of Things (IoTs) and Mobile technology have the potential to reduce the labour associated with agriculture,   improve the quality and quantity of farm produce, and boost the profitability of rural farmers. This study suggests that agriculture technology can increase the efficiency in the use of agricultural inputs, management of weeds, pests, plant and animal diseases, crop and livestock transportation system, storage, farm records and security at the Ubahu. However, its adoption can be thwarted by some challenges, including: Low income issues, lack of supportive infrastructures, lack of awareness, availability and accessibility issues, lack of government supports, and fear of failure. The study recommends that the adoption of precision agriculture technologies in rural areas, particularly in Ubahu community can be enhanced, if relevant measures are put in place to increase farmers’ awareness level on Agric precision technologies; provide agricultural incentives such as improved farm inputs and credit facilities; provide basic social amenities such as good roads and electricity; improve rural security; and organize regular training of farmers to enhance their knowledge and use  of  modern farming equipment.

INDEX TERMS:  Technology, Agrictech, Precision agriculture, Smart Agric, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology,  IoT, Ubahu Community.