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- Create Date October 4, 2021
- Last Updated October 4, 2021
The Random Early Detection (RED) algorithm has not been successful in keeping the average queue size low. In this paper, we an improved RED-based algorithm called QLRED which divides the dropping probability function of the RED algorithm into two equal segments. The first segment utilises a quadratic packet dropping function while the second segment deploys a linear packet dropping function respectively so as to distinguish between light and high traffic loads. The ns-3 simulation performance evaluations clearly showed that QLRED algorithm effectively controls the average queue
size under various network conditions resulting in a low delay. Replacing/upgrading the RED algorithm in Internet routers requires minimal effort since only the packet dropping probability profile needs to be adjusted.
Keywords: Nonlinear RED, Network congestion control, Active queue management, QLRED, End-toend delay, Internet routers.