Big data is an enormous amount of data that cannot be processed by the conventional data processing mechanisms such as Structured Query Language (SQL). In this paper, the Electronic Health Records of patients serve as the big data in this case. This data needs to be protected for the sake of its owners. This survey takes as its scope the data of the Nigerian Ministry of Health. Electronic Health Records (EHR) of patients in Nigeria need to be kept private using encryption and other forms of privacy solutions. In this survey several issues on the security of big data security as it pertains to records of health patients and the different solutions (Cryptography, Homomorphic Encryption, Multi-Party Computation, Trapdoor Functions, Map-Reduce and Access Control) are discussed by several researchers. The differences among these several techniques of security are highlighted, after which recommendations are made with the aid of a survey analysis. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is proposed as the security solution algorithm to be adopted for preserving the privacy of health records.
Big Data, Cryptography, Cloud Computing, Hadoop, Data Anonymization, Encryption.