StuDon App: An Intergrated Web Based Blended Learning System for Higher Education Institutions

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  • Create Date June 7, 2022
  • Last Updated June 7, 2022

StuDon App: An Intergrated Web Based Blended Learning System for Higher Education Institutions


The outbreak of the COVID 19 global pandemic, the economic lockdown and its new attendant lifestyle imposed by nations in response has increased the use of technology in teaching and learning which remains critical to a sustainable development. This has caused a drift from the traditional classroom teaching and learning method to a technologically driven approach to teaching and learning across the globe. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in developing countries especially in Nigeria are facing challenges in delivery educational services to their teemed and scattered population.  Therefore, the need for HEIs to leverage and explore the opportunities and benefits associated with blended learning application is eminent in order to continue their educational service delivery. In this paper, an integrated blended learning system called StuDon App is presented. While explorative research method was used for data gathering, object oriented technology was adopted for system analysis and design. With the framework, visual and Microsoft SQL as the tools for implementation, the App runs on an extended three (3) tier design architecture. The App is a web based App with an integration of TWILIO SOAP API (Application Program Interface) that supportsSMS lecture announcement and reminder; lecture's live broadcast; voice and video lecture recording and conferencing. It also features other functions that cater for diverse learning and teaching experience to improve engagement and enhance learning outcomes such multimedia quiz, assignment, exam, uploading and downloading lecture materials in diverse file types; class attendance and many more. The resultant blended learning app is a robust system that would not only aid in enhancing teaching and learning but would help in achieving global restrictions on movement in curbing the economic pandenmic.


Keywords: STUDON App . COVID-19 . Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) . TWILIO SOAP API .Blended Learning