Countering Cyber Threats in Offshore Operations of Smart Fields
Sonny N. Epelle, Bunakiye R. Japheth
Detection of Phishing Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Using Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm
A. O. Adesina, I O. Ogungbo , T. J. Odule , O. B. Okunoye
Smartphone Application Security: A Review on Android OS versus iOS
Ayankoya F.Y., Kuyoro S.O., Okunoye O.B., Oyenusi A. S.
Adoption of Blockchain Technology Framework for Addressing Counterfeit Drugs Circulation In Nigeria
Mega Ohis Grace, Akazue Maureen I ., Okofu Sebastina N., Hampo Johnpaul
An Enhanced Cloud-Based Randomised Cryptographic Algorithm for a Pseudo-DNA One-Time Pad (OTP) Cipher
T. J. Odule, A. O. Adesina, D. O. Adekola, O. A. Kaka, S. O. Hassan
Exploring the Wearable and Mobile Sensors for Sustainable and Efficient Health Monitoring Systems in Post Covid-19
C. V. Anikwe, A.C. Ikegwu, H. F. Nweke, F. U. Onu, U. R. Alo