Using the Adjusted Weighting Function to Bridge the Networked Readiness Digital Divide

ABSTRACT: This paper critically examines the current state of the Networked Readiness Index (NRI) framework as administered and published by the World Economic Forum through its yearly Global Information Technology Report (GITR) series since its inception in 2001. The newly published Adjusted Weighting Function (AWF) is a model specifically designed to overcome the inadequacies reported

Information Technology as a Tool for Attaining Food Security and Sustainable Development in Nigeria

ABSTRACT: In the face of rising pressure from climate change, rising populations and decreasing crop yields, Nigeria is faced with the task of confronting the critical challenge of efficiently delivering sustainable and healthy diets for her citizens. However, the poor performance of Nigeria’s agricultural sector has been attributed to the insufficient application of Information and

Arithmetic Operations in Deterministic P Systems Based on the Weak Rule Priority

ABSTRACT: Membrane computing, otherwise known as P system, is a recently introduced area of distributed parallel computing of a biochemical type. Several variants have been consider in the literature .In this paper, a variant of P systems for arithmetic operations on non-negative integers based on weak priorities for rule application is considered. Consequently, we obtain

Reasoning Over Vague Ontologies Using Fuzzy Soft Set Theory In Medical Domain

ABSTRACT: Description Logic (DL) being a knowledge representation language that is widely used in building ontologies is a crisp language and lacks representation and reasoning for vague concepts in an ontology for some real-world applications like medical records which has been confronted with the challenge of analysing, interpreting or processing medical data involving vague concepts

Framework for Development of Mobile Telenursing System for Developing Countries

ABSTRACT: Proliferation and increased performance of mobile computing systems has brought about development of myriad of mobile applications including mobile surveillance, mobile news, mobile games, mobile learning, mobile health etc. Mobile health has many sub-fields one of which is mobile nursing. In this paper, framework for provision of effective mobile nursing system was developed, the

Design of a Framework for Healthcare Crime Investigation Using Big Data Analytics

ABSTRACT One major challenge encountered during crime investigation via automated systems is the inability of conventional data analysis techniques to adequately handle the enormous data that are made available during the investigation. Existing crime investigation frameworks are built on orthodox data analysis techniques which cannot sufficiently manned the unprecedented size and variety of data available