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- Create Date September 8, 2021
- Last Updated September 8, 2021
Agriculture is one of the key drivers of the economic growth which plays a crucial role in the lifeline of an individual because majority of people depends primarily on agriculture for their survival. Digital Agriculture is the use of advanced technologies to integrate agricultural production which will make farmers to improve the quality and quantity of their herds and farm produce. In Nigeria, Agricultural sector is facing a loT of challenges such as destruction of crops by herdsmen, soil erosion, climate change, pest and diseases but to mention a few. This was due to lack of proper digital technology to tackle the challenges. The major aim of this paper is to assess the technologies to be adopted in tackling the problems facing agriculture in Nigeria. The paper is theoretical in nature and the secondary data was used for the study which was obtained from some working papers, agricultural bulletin and various journals relevant to agriculture and technology. To this end, it could be recommended that if government, among others, can provide hydroponics technology which is the method of growing plants without soil. This will ensure better feeding of livestock and can find sustainable solution to destruction of crops by the herders in the country. Stress Detection Glasses is another technology that can be used by farmers to spot from distance the crops that are infected by the pest which cannot be seen with the naked eyes. This will be one of the ways of controlling destruction of crop and destabilizing global food security.
KEYWORDS: Digital Technology, agriculture, hydroponics, Stress Detection Glasses, Drone