Inclusive Education of The Digitally Neglected Population Through Smart Education for Economic Development in Nigeria

ABSTRACT The role of education is to increase human capital, that is; improved knowledge base and to increase creativity generally in the population which further makes the nation wealthy. The work concentrated on the digitally neglected population (DNP) where most of them are engaged in basic and low-level agricultural businesses as farming or traders of

Boosting Nigeria’s Foreign Exchange Earnings: Unlocking New Revenue Streams through Artificial Intelligence-Driven Multimedia-Based Smart Tourism

ABSTRACT Nigeria, a country highly reliant on oil exports, is looking for new revenue streams as global oil prices fluctuate, and the economy has to diversify. This article proposes leveraging AI and big data analytics to increase tourism growth. Specifically, we recommend using AI multimedia data labelling to train computer algorithms that can power innovative

Curated Big Data for Supervised Machine Learning: A Case of Malaria Indicator and Demographic Health Surveys Data

Abstract: Quality data remains an indispensable asset of data driven models required for solving analytical problems using machine learning tools and techniques. However, raw data is characterized by feature dependency, class imbalance, outliers, missing data, and so on, which oftentimes degrade the performance of machine learning models. To improve the quality of data for machine

A Smart Fishpond Water Quality Monitoring and Control System

Abstract: Measuring and controlling Fishpond water quality is a significant challenge in fish farming, especially in Africa, and has posed unexpected loss and poor yield, thereby increasing the demand for supply of fish in many African countries. Various factors, such as untimely or inefficient measurement and control of water quality parameters, availability of water, environmental