Statistical Model for Cybercrime Detection in Joined Heterogeneous Cloud Computing Environments

ABSTRACT Many commercial facilities and academic institutions now use cloud computing in an attempt of adopting new digital innovations. Cloud Computing Providers might be constrained to some services, lacking several resources their customers requested, meaning that distinct cloud services need to come together in collaboration to interoperate and exchange resources among themselves. In different characteristics

A Survey on Graphical Based Authentication Model for Secure Electronic Payment (E-Payment)

ABSTRACT Client authentication is an essential component in nearly all electronic payment systems. This provides foundation for client the legal access control and user liability.  The most foremost used authentication technique is the textual or traditional alphanumeric password.  However, this method suffers several setbacks. For instance, clients usually choose passwords that can be easily guessed,

A Hybrid Model for Prediction of Natural Gas Density Based on Sparse Auto-Encoder and Artificial Neural Network

ABSTRACT Natural gas has been considered a fuel of choice for increasing the security of energy supply and reducing environmental pollution across the world. Accurate prediction of natural gas density is essential for calculation of other important physical properties and establishing reliable and economical product transfer across pipelines in the oil and gas industry. This