Traffic congestion in highway networks is one of the main issues confronting today’s traffic management schemes. this article deals with the problem of traffic automation and monitoring at large intersection of roads with a tendency for heavy traffic. in this study, a solution to automate and monitor several tasks of operational control at major lanes and road junctions is presented. the study developed a new approach to road traffic automation and monitoring system using a network of sensors and real-time image processing system to control traffic and reduce traffic gridlocks and environmental hazards resulting from smokes of car exhausts. the design is made up of the power supply unit, the micro controller unit, the motion sensors, the timer, the digital calculator, the digital display, the message processor, sender and camera. simulation of the various units was done individually using the procedural programming application proteus 8. the components used were according to design specifications from data book with alternatives used in cases where they are unavailable. the designed traffic automation and control system is user friendly and easy. the designed system makes the traffic monitoring simple, it is reliable and capable of reducing high concentration of vehicles in a lane thus reducing environmental pollution and traffic gridlock
Digital Calculator, Microcontroller, Road Traffic Monitoring and Traffic Gridlock