Advancements in processor technology occur in geometric pattern which makes performance analysis challenging for processor manufacturers. The bottleneck in analyzing processor performance arises since processors must be implemented on hardware cores before carrying out critical evaluation and then the analysis. Dimensionality of processor performance analysis (PPA) system leverages the use of a developed software test engine to carry out processor performance evaluation (PPE) and analysis of processor performance (PROPASYS). This research provides a flexible technique of both PPE and PPA. Design use case diagrams (UCD) are used to simulate processor performance models. The use case abstraction is used to implement a testbench application program interface (API) for PPA and PPE. C# programming language is used to achieve the use case contexts as well as the Halstead complexity metric. The native .NET Framework with reusable class libraries are employed in the system design. This research reduces the cost and time challenges in evaluating and analyzing performance of processors. The work will benefit industry researchers dedicated to manufacturing of processors with better performance characteristics.
Performance Analysis, Processor Metrics, Halstead Quantitative Measure, Simulation