Use Case Dimensionality of Processor Performance Evaluation and Analysis Tool

ABSTRACT: Advancements in processor technology occur in geometric pattern which makes performance analysis challenging for processor manufacturers. The bottleneck in analyzing processor performance arises since processors must be implemented on hardware cores before carrying out critical evaluation and then the analysis. Dimensionality of processor performance analysis (PPA) system leverages the use of a developed software

An Enhanced Approach For Pre-Processing Igbo Text

ABSTRACT: Marvelous development in Information Technology incorporating many languages has stimulated numerous research areas. Text generated with these languages is subject to analysis to maximize benefit, for intelligent decision making. Pre-processing is the first process in various text-based intelligent systems, and plays vital role in the system. The complexity of a text pre-processing is highly

A Study of Score Extraction Strategies from Sentiwordnet for Sentiment Analysis of Social Media

ABSTRACT: Sentiment analysis concerns the computational study of opinions expressed in text. Social media domains provide a wealth of opinionated data, thus, creating a greater need for sentiment analysis. Typically, sentiment lexicons that capture term-sentiment association knowledge are commonly used to develop sentiment analysis systems. Given that sentiment scores are associated to word senses in

A Mobile System for Information Dissemination via GSM-Microcontroller Technologies

ABSTRACT: Mobile and Wireless dissemination of information is becoming big business and also becoming critical in the public places because of the convenience the system affords. This technology is useful in advertisements, stock market information dissemination and so on.  Information has lifespan; therefore opportunities are wasted daily as a result of lack of timely dissemination

The Use Of Social Media in Elections

ABSTRACT: From the strategy employed by Barak Obama and his team in the 2008 United States elections, it became evident that social media can be decisive in the outcome of elections. This seemed to have motivated the adoption of social media campaigns in other countries of the world. Nigeria witnessed active social media campaigns for

Digitizing Nigerian Public Bus Transport Using Advanced Travel Information System

ABSTRACT: Traffic congestion remains a major challenge affecting transportation sector in Nigeria. Though governments have continuously invested in massive road construction and the acquisition of bus rapid transports, yet, the problem persists. This is majorly due to the continuous increase in the number of private cars plying Nigerian roads daily. Consequently, public transport is more

A Salient Invariant Feature Descriptor for Human Action Recognition

ABSTRACT: The dramatic progress of studies in human action recognition has being attributed to challenges inherent with conventional methods such as bag-of-words based description. As a result, researchers in the field of computer vision are still making efforts towards achieving structured interpretation of complex activities between multiple objects. This study proposes Pyramid of Histogram Oriented